Crystal Care

Crystal Care

To cleanse and charge your crystals, here are a few recommendations we have, that work for ALL crystals! 
  • moonlight (leave your crystals out so they can bathe in the light of the moon and its energy!)
  • organic incense / essential oils 
  • plant cleansing (put your crystals in one of your pot plants for 24hrs or leave it outside in your garden!)
  • self cleansing (carry your crystal around with you for the day to help get familiar with its energy!)

All our crystals are 100% genuine and sustainably and consciously sourced! We know they have found an amazing home with you! 

Jewellery Care

To ensure your jewellery stays high quality for longer, please take jewellery off before going in water and during heavy sweating! 

If you have purchased from our hypoallergenic range, please ensure that the crystals you have chosen are water safe before you wear them in water!

All jewellery should be taken off before bed, the body produces a lot more sweat and natural oils than we think!